Tuesday, October 23, 2007

HGL 001: Max Schaefer on the payment system/ads

Source: http://ww2.mythos.com/mythostavern/showthread.php?p=41741#post41741

Max steps in to explain how Flagship sees what they are providing with Hellgate: London's free/pay play models.

Hellgate: London's payment method is much misunderstood. Here's how it really works: People liked the D2 model where you get a box and play online for free. So we made it like that. People also want content added over time, like in WoW, so there isn't a static world. For people who want that, there is a very fair subscription fee, and we have a large team dedicated to making that content (no we haven't already made it, we've spent the last four years making what's in the box). It's that simple. We packed a box with a heck of a lot of gameplay, and gave it a free, secure online model. As long as there is a Hellgate, you don't have to pay a dime more than the box cost. Like GW. And ther's a subscription for those that want additional content over time.

The ads issue is also kinda overblown. Have you played HG:L in beta or demo? That's it. That's what the ads look like. We wanted to add realism by having actual realistic posters and ads on the walls. You can't make London without it. So our choice was to make up fake companies, which can look cheesy and contrived, or contract with an add provider to stream in real ones. They will be weathered and torn just like they are in game now. We don't expect to make much money from it, and honestly it all came from the background department's request to have realistic posters and things so it would look like London. Check it out - look at screenshots or whatever. Judge for yourself!

You can't please everyone, but we're trying to do all the cool things that are possible with our business models and our continued development.

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