Monday, October 22, 2007

Mythos 034: Mythos Roadmap


This is a big one! Travis lists out the priorities they have for ongoing development of Mythos.

a) More content ( new zones, more bosses, more unique quests, more uniques, more items, more interesting stuff to do ) - we aren't even close really to what we'd consider a 'critical mass' of content. I don't think we'll have that until we have at LEAST 4 completed zones - and Zone 2 isn't really complete yet.

b) PVP - dueling, as well as various group PVP modes

c) An Achievement system for getting various bonuses or benefits for completing special far-reaching goals

d) Crafting, for a sideline to advance

e) More races and classes, so that after we have all this content, you'll be able to play through it again for a decent period of time and have a pretty different experience.

f) An Auction house, so that crafting is worth doing

g) Guilds, and guild rankings

h) Hardcore mode, as well as an Elite difficulty option

That's where we're heading right now anyway, so we're hard at work on Zone 2 love, Zone 3, PVP, and crafting at present. We'll squeeze anything that we can into the next big drop. Hopefully it will be as significant to you as this patch was to the previous beta.

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