Tuesday, October 23, 2007

HGL 002: Special Effect attack chances

Source: http://forums.hellgatelondon.com/showthread.php?p=190860#post190860

Peter Hu's explained the way the chance to land a special status effect works below. Note that LCS apparently stands for Lying Character Sheet.

the sfx defense is applied to the chance you have of being affected by a sfx attack. it's compared to the attacker's sfx attack rating, which draws from their level (for monsters), monster type, weapon, magic properties, and their skills.

the formula used is: chance = sfx_attack / (sfx_attack + sfx_defense).

this is further modified by various weapon properties, such as weapon speed (a fast-attacking or area weapon has its chance reduced per hit, for example).

we are evaluating whether or not the amount of damage done vs. the amount of damage mitigated (by shields/armor/etc.) should factor into this calculation.

on the to-do list is to add a more informative display to the sfx_defense field on your character sheet (possibly showing something along the lines of the actual % chance vs. the last attack that hit you or the average monster of that level or some such ).

also, the LCS will eventually show you your sfx_attack ratings with similar information.

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